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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

My nastiest dream!!!!!

                        My nastiest dream!!!!!
All I could do was doing my homework and eat things. I was fed up with the homework that I was doing. It was dark night and my parents napped at that time.
Then, I thought that I will recite my prayers and sleep in my room. I had been watching C.I.D. there were many series of crime in that channel.
Later, I was scared a lot. Afterwards, I went to sleep and I was feared about the channel. My dream was about a man who catches my hand and gave me a chocolate. He took me to a place where there was not a life or a vocal sound.
Next, he tied my hands with a rope and told me to walk till we reach. I saw that there is group of people who had all kidnaped me.  I wanted to find out the next, but it had on hour for my school. So, my mother knocked my door and I woke up. I had shared this scary dream with my friends.
It was really weird!!!!!!    
 I focused on the interest of the learner.


  1. Very imaginative work Alisha! chronological vocabulary used appropriately. May be, the dream could have been been explained a little better...

  2. This was very interesting Alisha, and I think quite scary! Was it caused by watching the TV programme do you think? If you looked really carefully at your verbs, I think you could make this even better!
    Can you explain the last line to me please?

    1. sir we were given some tasks to do and my task was to improve my vocabulary.
