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Monday, 30 April 2012

The best day!!!

All I could see were dry, Rocky Mountains on both sides of a never ending road! The lack of tyre tracks on the muddy path indicated that it had had no recent travellers. I realized by then that I had in fact lost my way to the resort. I was sure my friends were wondering where I was and were trying to reach me on my phone which unfortunately received no signals in the deserted place! The rumbling noise of the car engine was beginning to give me a headache.

It was dark night and the scary sounds were coming from a house. Then, I saw a brightening light from the house and it was scary. When I went inside that room, I hid behind the cupboard. Then I got an idea. When I opened my eyes and saw, there were valleys of chocolates, Hannah Montana and etc. I recognized there was a teacher named Mrs. Archana who told me, “You are the first person to find these treasures.” She asked me to cross the first and second valley which was of Hannah Montana and chocolates. She gave me a paper which was of rules and valleys. Each valley scored 50 points. I was famous in singing songs of Hannah Montana and eating chocolates, so I scored 50 in both the valleys.

Then, I got an option! She asked me ‘would you like to go home or go to the last valley?” I was deep in thought till I got the option!

I told my teacher that I wanted to go to the last valley. She told me that you are very brave. The last valley was to dance. I danced on the song zigzag and I won the price. There were six valleys in total.

My surprise given by my teacher was that I am the owner of the Eiffel tower and I got a car and Rs. 50000000. This was my best day!

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